May 14, 2007

Bobby on Osama, Gays, and Comedy

Some people run with the bulls.
Others wrestle alligators.
ITV's Jamie Campbell chose to risk his life by spending 24 Hours With...Bobby Brown (check the video).

A casual observer would be outraged, but the casual observer didn't have his show canceled, lose parental custody, or Osama Bin Laden on they ass:

"He wanted to have me killed because he was in love with Whitney. He wanted to marry Whitney and make her one of his wives. That's some s**t. I'm still on my guard. The most wanted man in the world wants (me) dead."

Yes, Osama Bin Laden wants Bobby Brown dead.

Since Bobby has increased his security in response, who knows how Osama will try to "touch" him.

Will he deploy Bert? Farfur? Cat Stevens?

Let's hope he hasn't reached New Edition.

Bobby may be able to handle his own against one of them, but against all five?

He doesn't stand a chance.

It would be a N.E. Heartbreak quite different than the one alluded to in the New Edition song:

N.E. heartbreak is coming to your town
Beware of N.E. heartbreak
Spreading fast and there's no cure
No need to run from heartache
It's gonna get you, get you for sure

Watch out during that reunion tour, Bobby!
Which New Edition member do you think Osama will deploy against Bobby Brown?

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