Dear Desissified readers, this is my last post here as I'm up and leaving for my brand spanking new site It's easier to remember (rhymes with refried beans) and spell than and there isn't as much typing for you, so the new url will stave off carpal tunnel for a good year or two! See how much I care about you guys?
Since I mash up pop culture and give it some flavor, I think the title fits. Originally, desissified was going to be about the sissifying effect cease and desist letters have on folks. Oh, the ignorance of youth...
There's a link to here. The first story makes a plea for Jeff Bridges AKA "The Dude" from The Big Lebowski to get an Oscar for his upcoming performance as the big bad in the upcoming Iron Man movie.
What's that you said? 'I didn't see it, so how could I know it'll be Oscar worthy?'
Check out my Top 5 List of How Un-Dude the character he's playing is, and you'll not only like the kool aid I'm drinking, you'll ask for the recipe!
Jun 26, 2007
Moving Day
Jun 22, 2007
How Do You Serve 'Racist Egg'?
DC Comics has reinterpreted our favorite Communist instrument of terror, Egg Fu, for the 21st Century. They gave him a shave and a language coach.
Old Fu:New Fu:
After checking out the changes, I realized Egg Fu's true calling:
A featured ingredient on a reality cooking show.
On Top Chef, they'd probably make him into 'egg yolk and sea urchin roe with vermicelli'.
On Hell's Kitchen, they'd probably under cook poor Egg Fu and Chef Ramsay would have no choice but to throw him out, cursing all the way.
On Iron Chef, Chairman Kaga would challenge the contestants to break the shell which normally confines their thinking.
I don't think any of the Egg Fu dishes would go over well with the judges. I hear he has a weird aftertaste, which is why you can't get racial stereotype eggs at your local grocer.
Posted by
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8:36 AM
Labels: comic books, egg fu, hell's kitchen, racism, reality television, top chef
Jun 21, 2007
Celebrity Clone War
There's a woman who looks just like Angelina Jolie. Except she doesn't have the phat crib, ginormous bank account or hot hubby. As much as it sucks to be her, imagine how sweet her boyfriend has it!
You can also find it here.
And then there is the Paris Hilton clone.
You can find the clone here.
Although Paris is abandoning stupidity, will her clone? And if America hankers for their old stupid Paris, will it pick the clone instead of Paris Hilton?
This all seems like Jennifer Lopez in South Park. She of the 'Taco Flavored Kisses'. The music execs preferred a singing hand named Jennifer Lopez, who was younger and spicier than the original J. Lo. Even Ben Affleck preferred the hand over J.Lo.
Will history repeat itself?
Posted by
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9:34 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, celebrity, clones, paris hilton, south park
Jun 20, 2007
Who Was Really Behind The Harry Potter Spoilers?
Some dude claims that he hacked a digital copy of author J.K. Rowling's seventh and final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He posts the spoilers here.
The reason?
"By following the precious words of the great Pope Benedict XVI when he still was Cardinal Josepth Ratzinger. He explained why Harry Potter bring the youngs of our earth to Neo Paganism faith. So we make this spoiler to make reading of the upcoming book useless and boring."
I remember the good old days. People who wanted to protest would picket movie theaters or simply burn books. Nobody got hurt and, hey, it made for a good show. But now, the protest has gone online...
And it's scary. Scary boring.
I don't think it's the Pope who is behind's Universal Pictures.
What better way to guarantee the #1 box office slot for Evan Almighty than making Christians feel guilty about watching non-Christian entertainment like early Oscar contender Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer or a masterpiece like John Cusak's 1408, which coincidentally opens the same day as Bruce Almighty and features the supernatural?
Defamer cites a LA Times story revealing the efforts of the studio to court Christians for the movie.
There is one person who can stop this madness...
Paris Hilton, I call on you and your new found faith to come forth from prison and strike down these abominations! It's your calling! Didn't I tell you she had a purpose? Read here if you plumb forgot.
Posted by
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7:50 PM
Labels: conspiracies, evan almighty, harry potter, paris hilton, spoilers
Simple Life Behind Bars?
According to US Magazine, Nicole Richie has been ordered to stand trial on July 11th due to her December DUI. She faces a year in the slammer.
Didn't I tell you a while back that Paris wanted to remake Black Mama, White Mama? With Nicole in jail, they could update it for the multiracial 21st century set:
White Mama, Frappuccino Mama.
The Starbucks product placement ALONE would be worth millions.
With Lindsay Lohan looking like Gollum these days, maybe the three of them could do a femme Lord of the Rings?
Posted by
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12:05 AM
Labels: lindsay lohan, nicole richie, paris hilton
Jun 19, 2007
Captain America's Replacement REVEALED
When Captain America died, rumors of his replacement ran rampant.
Some people thought it would be The Punisher.
Old Punisher...
Captain Americafied Punisher...But they're wrong.
Others thought it would be Cap's former sidekick Bucky Barnes.
Here's the original recipe Bucky alongside Cap:And this is the extra crispy Bucky in his new persona, The Winter Soldier:
But they're wrong, too.
Captain America's replacement has surfaced. And he don't need no stinkin' new costume...Colin Powell, where the heck have you been?
We found out that you've been conversating with Barak Obama and now you tell Newsweek you want people to back off Angelina Jolie:
"She's absolutely serious, absolutely informed...She doesn't need this. This needed her."
Just like the way kids around the world need Angelina Jolie to come in their country and adopt the hell out of them, WORLD needs Colin Powell to come back into the spotlight and pick up good ol' Cap's mantle.
And for that, I salute him.
Colin Powell, your shield awaits. You just have to wrest it from the sinister clutches of Stephen Colbert...
Posted by
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2:30 PM
Labels: angelina jolie, Barak Obama, captain america, colin powell, comic books, stephen colbert
Could There Be A Pervier Title?
Once word hits the streets that NBC greenlit a show called Without Breasts There Is No Paradise (translated from the telenovela, Sin Tetas) the sparks will fly.
Is the show about breast cancer or some other after-school special topic that makes one feel guilty for prejudging it on title alone?
Nope. It's about a 17-year-old call girl who "worries that her flat chest will consign her to a life of poverty".
Tits, whoring, and jail bait = ratings gold?
This led me on a quest to find the Perviest Titles in the History of Television, the kind of show titles that made you do a double take the first time you heard them...on a non-porno network:
Leave It To Beaver
Perhaps the only show that will never be redone with a girl playing the Beaver. With a title like this, was there any choice to not introduce Jerry Mathers "as the Beaver" at the beginning of the show?
Perversions of Science
What is a list about the Perviest Titles without this show listed? It was a Tales From The Crypt rip off with a better name. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep the show on air for more than a season.
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Remember when you first heard the name of the show? You did a double take. I know you did.
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
'Nuff said.
That's My Bush!
If Gore won, it would have been called Everybody Loves Al. It's uncertain whether or not the Gore show could have lasted more than the eight episodes of Bush. Did I just write that?
The fact that the show came on after Six Feet Under made me first think it was a rigor mortis joke. By the time Big Love came on, I had learned my lesson.
After reviewing the Perviest Titles in the History of Television, I realized there hasn't been, and probably never will be, a television show with a title pervier than Without Breasts There Is No Paradise on a family friendly network.
Which show do you think has the Perviest name?
Posted by
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12:23 AM
Jun 18, 2007
Looking For His Pot Of Gold?
Bai Ling reminds me of that freaky girl in high school who used to tramp it up. You figured "Man, if she's like that on the streets, imagine what she must be like in the sheets!". Then you see her dance and sadly, your fantasy is crushed.
Fortunately, a magic leprechaun appeared and calmed her ass down. Hopefully in a few weeks, he won't wake up with a burning sensation in his crotch and upon further inspection find pink hearts, yellow moons, green clovers, and purple horseshoes all over his shilleilagh!
Transformers Movie Gives Hope For He-Man and ThunderCats
If you've seen stills from the upcoming Transformers movie, you'll notice these aren't your friendly, childhood Transformers...They're SPOOKY lookin'!
Seems as if Hollywood is treating the 80s better than the 70s and making the characters tougher. Wish we could say the same about what they did to 70s characters played by macho icons like Burt Reynolds From The Longest Yard...
Instead of comedic genius Adam Sandler from the remake...Even Darth Vader went from looking like a possessed granddaddy from hell...
To a lost member of N*SYNC...
With the meaner, nastier Transformers looking tougher than the cartoon, there is hope that they'll do He-Man and ThunderCats better than these guys:
Posted by
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11:40 AM
Labels: he-man, remakes, thundercats, transformers
Jun 15, 2007
Create Your Own Sopranos Ending
Much has been written about the Sopranos series finale. Instead of wasting time trying to decipher whether Tony got shot or not, let's waste time creating our own ending.
Here's mine:
At the diner, AJ complains about the onion rings. Tony responds by beating him to a bloody pulp with a Heinz 57 ketchup bottle (product placement!). The guy who goes to the bathroom to pull a "Godfather" on Tony, can't find the gun he hid in the toilet stall. Who has it? Furio, who caught a late flight from Italy to bust multiple caps in his ass. Paulie and Silvio, fresh from the hospital, wipes out the rest of the folks in the diner, with the help of the boy scouts. Tony goes home, hooks up with Dr. Melfi, and bones AJ's high school girlfriend as Sid Vicious' version of "MY WAY" leads us to the credits.
THE END...and everyone's happy.
Can you top this ending?
No Egg On Wonder Woman's Face
According to the AP, scenes of Chow Yun-Fat in Pirates of the Caribbean have been slashed in half by censors in China for "vilifying and defacing" the Chinese. The depiction of a scarred, bald pirate with Lee press-on nails, is believed to be consistent with Hollywood's old tradition of demonizing the Chinese.
This should be a wake up call to the producers of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie who are trying to figure out which villain from her past should be featured in the film.
No matter how much they might be tempted, one thing rings true...Avoid Egg Fu at all costs!
I know the idea of a ginormous Communist egg created by Chinese sleeper agents to take down America and Wonder Woman seems like money in the bank, but please be reasonable.
Posted by
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8:09 AM
Labels: chow yun-fat, comic books, egg fu, pirates of the caribbean, racism, wonder woman movie
Jun 14, 2007
Worst Week In The History Of R&B Music
As if it wasn't enough for T-Pain to harp on Ray-J's dong, he has the #1 album this week for singing about how he wants to "slob the knob". It would be righteous if he used the opportunity to man up, come out and destigmatize homophobia, but he punked out by saying he "isn't a homo".
He should be a man and acknowledge the Freud in his slips.
On the topic of punking out, Akon recorded a song to apologize to everybody for everything:
- to the 14 year old he dry humped
- to Gwen Stefani, since Verizon dropped tour sponsorship because he humped the 14 year old
- to the environment for global warming
You will never get the 4 minutes and 57 seconds of your life back.
I thought the brotha was the next coming of Adebisi, not the Black version of Stan's dad from South Park, who had to kiss Jesse Jackson's ass to atone for his sins:
South Park - Apology To Jesse Jackson - The funniest videos clips are here
Is this all a result of Al Sharpton's call for the music industry to change denigrating lyrics? He's collecting thousands of bars of soap as symbols of the effort, so if you see Akon flashing some Ivory in the upcoming weeks, you know who to blame. And who really should apologize.
Posted by
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10:41 AM
Labels: akon, al sharpton, south park, t-pain
Jun 13, 2007
Isaiah Washington Can Learn A Lot From Dr. Doom
According to People, Isaiah Washington is so upset about being fired from Grey's Anatomy, he's speaking in 3rd person:
"I hope that everyone is happy for the outcome for Isaiah, but Isaiah will go on and do what I love to do."
The act of referring to oneself in 3rd person is also known as an Illeism.
If Isaiah decides to continue down this path, he'll be in great company.
How great?
I've created a list of the TOP 5 ILLEISMATICS OF ALL TIME:
5. JIMMY from Seinfeld
Jimmy only spoke illeistically ( "Jimmy's down! Jimmy's got a compound fracture! Jimmy's gonna get you, Kramer! Jimmy holds grudges!") and it was CONTAGIOUS:
- Jerry: I don't know how you can eat that spicy chicken.
- George: George likes spicy chicken.
- Jerry: What's that?
- George: I like spicy chicken.
- Jerry: No, no you said "GEORGE likes spicy chicken".
- George: No I didn't!
- Elaine: Yes you did. You said "George likes spicy chicken".
- Jerry: You're turning into Jimmy!
- George: (irritated) George is getting upset!!
The Rock, when he was rasslin', would engage in illeisms "The Great One", "The Brahma Bull", "The People's Champion" before, during, and after he would "Layeth The Smacketh Down" on your candy ass. He would also utter an illeistic phrase "If you smell... what the Rock is cookin'!" after every promo for 5 years. He even had a best selling book entitled...what else? "The Rock Says..."


Neither Dobby, of Harry Potter fame, nor Superman's nemesis Bizarro, can hold a candle to Elmo.
Elmo is an icon. Elmo influences preschoolers all over the world who want to be just like him. But there's a problem:
Elmo speaks in 3rd person.
Parents, who thought Sesame Street was a wholesome show which supported early education, fear that their children's grammatical abilities will be forever tainted by this little red monster...yet there is nothing they can do about it! And you thought Bert was Sesame Street's resident badass?

Baseball great Rickey Henderson wanted a trade, so he called San Diego GM Kevin Towers and left the following message: “This is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.”
Why is he higher than Elmo? Elmo inspires fear. Rickey inspires hate, loating, and a grammy nominated comedy album, which is more than Elmo can say about what Elmo inspires.

Nobody does it better. He, I mean Doom, puts the "ill" in illeism. Doom's been doing it for 45 years, and what sets him on a different level than punks like Dobby or wannabe's like Elmo? He has robots masquerading as Doom called "Doombots". Doom > Rickey because Rickey don't have robots...although I hear he's working on that...
Plus, Doom is a certified megalomaniac dictator to the country he rules, Latervia, and to the kid he adopted, Kristoff:
Isaiah Washington can learn a lot from Dr. Doom...
Who do you think is the Illest Illeismatic?
Posted by
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11:43 AM
Labels: dr. doom, elmo, Grey's Anatomy, Isaiah Washington, rickey henderson, the rock
Jun 12, 2007
Sopranos Creator Takes A "Journey" Of His Own
David Chase left the country prior to the airing of the Sopranos finale, in anticipation of viewer dissatisfaction.
By relieving himself on Sopranos fans with a horrid finale and avoiding accountability for it, Sopranos creator David Chase has become the R. Kelly of television. Now I know how Phil Spector, another victim of mitteration, must have felt.
As I search for answers to cope with the disrespect, I find myself looking at another show with much better writing: The Shield. And I realize that John Kavanaugh, played by Forest Whitaker, was Negrodamus after all...especially if you replace the word "Mackey" with "David Chase":
You can also find it here.
But there is a silver lining to this golden shower: Journey's dreams have become reality.
Oh, and there will be no Sopranos sequel:
"I think we've kind of said it and done it"
Yes, David, you most certainly have done it.
And Joseph K was correct: It must truly is better to give than receive...
Posted by
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8:21 AM
Labels: david chase, r. kelly, sopranos finale, the shield
Jun 11, 2007
Sopranos Finale: The Morning After
The morning after the Sopranos finale reveals a range of viewer reactions, from kudos to a whole lotta hate.
How much hate?
So much that the volume of hate traffic to the HBO web site brought the site down for a significant period of time according to Adotas. This is backed by Deadline Hollywood Daily which is even pissier about the premature fade-to-blaculation:
This is why America hates Hollywood. Unlike some network series that end abruptly because broadcasters pull the plug without warning, The Sopranos has been slated for years to go off the air tonight. But instead of carefully crafted, this finale looked like it had been concocted in a day or two.
I never thought I would be on the same page as Nikki Finke after her whole "blame Virginia Tech on OldBoy" stance (which I parodied here), but the Sopranos brought us together!
As far as the belief that the series finale was a moment of artistic zen, I maintain that Sopranos creator David Chase could’ve had a monkey eating a banana at the end of the episode and some folks would write about the ‘brilliance’ behind its ending.
If we want to figure out what Chase meant, I don't believe we have to look any further than minutes before the infamous diner scene. Paulie was tripping over the cat who was fixated on Chrissy’s photo. Tony's response?
Don’t read too much into anything or you'll miss out on life.
Another big F.U. from David Chase to the fans.I guess we could follow his advice...
But where is the fun in that?
--------------The morning after, where do you stand on the Sopranos season finale?
Deadwood Worth Canceling For John From Cincinnati?
So, David Milch, who created Deadwood, pitches John From Cincinnati to HBO, and they like the idea more than Deadwood. As a result, HBO cancels Deadwood,
I'm still pissed HBO canceled Carnivale because they were all hot for Deadwood, but that's for another post.
Now that you've seen John From Cincinnati, what's the dilly? Was it worth canceling Deadwood?
Posted by
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12:45 AM
Labels: carnivale, deadwood, hbo, john from cincinnati
Jun 10, 2007
Reasons For The Horrid Sopranos Finale
Like many suspected, the Sopranos ended in the most unsatisfying manner experienced since St. Elsewhere was revealed to be the product of an autistic kid's imagination.
There are a few theories about the reasons for the B.S. ending:
- Sopranos creator David Chase wanted to end the series a season ago. HBO didn't want him to. He relented, and this is his revenge;
- David Chase wanted to end the series a season ago for a good reason: he ran out of gas...and could only muster the huge fart that was the series finale;
- David Chase didn't want any sequels, so he created a craptastic ending in order to kill whatever desire Sopranos fans had left in the series;
- Tony was whacked...he just didn't know it. This theory can be credited by poster moodyblue who wrote in a Courier-Post forum: Tony IS DEAD and WAS CLIPPED by someone. We the audience have always seen the episodes from Tony's point of view, and the blackened silence is what Tony sees and hears when he finally gets clipped. Remember the conversation with Bobby at the lake? "I wonder if you hear the one that gets you" - the final episode answers that question. That is why they flashed back to it at the end of last weeks episode. He never heard the one that killed him.
What do you think?
UPDATE: Check out other entries on this topic including more theories the morning after and how Sopranos creator David Chase fled the country in fear of viewer outrage. Also create your own Sopranos ending here.
Jun 8, 2007
Isaiah Washington Is Mad As Hell, But What Is He Gonna Do About It?
It finally happened.
People reports that Isaiah Washington is gone from Grey's Anatomy.
I was ecstatic until I read this:
Howard Bragman, Washington's publicist, says Washington's option was not renewed, and released this statement from the actor: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more."
I initially felt fear for gays worldwide. I mean, isn't it bad enough that he went crazy on set and at the Golden Globes? If that wasn't "mad as hell", I don't know what is. I thought he calmed down by filming a PSA.
Then, I realized that the quote is from the movie Network, where news anchor Howard Beale responds to his firing by threatening to blow his brains out on national television. He later changes his mind, but engages in a rant which gets him a new show with stellar ratings. At the end of Network, television execs hire a group of terrorists from a rival show to execute Beale.
What is Isaiah Washington planning to do and why would he quote Network? Is he going to blow his brains out on national television or just engage in another hate filled rant?
Then I had my conspiracy cap on:
Imagine if ABC felt the need to "Network" Isaiah? Which ABC actor would they send to whack him? And, which actor would be desperate enough to accept the job? Who has a need to resuscitate their stalled career by showing allegiance to a network who can offer them a return to their 15 minutes of fame.
One ABC show came to mind:
And one actor is ripe for the job to take out Isaiah if he gets too crazy...-------
What do you think is Isaiah's next step? And if he gets too crazy (as if he isn't crazy enough), which "star" will they send out to ice him?
Posted by
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12:20 PM
Labels: Grey's Anatomy, homophobia, Isaiah Washington, lost
Jun 7, 2007
Paris Hilton's Hit List
Paris Hilton is free...and heads are gonna roll!
Yes, she's under house arrest, but house arrest didn't stop Pablo Escobar from running thangs!
Prison was like the Wizard of Oz for Paris Hilton. In the pampered world to which she was accustomed, being rich, slutty, and blond was enough. Faced with the cold, harsh reality of prison, she had to dig deep within herself. She found out that she always had a brain, courage, and heart. With Tinkerbell as her Toto, she will inflict pain and suffering on her foes...
Don't believe me?
She entered jail Sunday night, and got out Thursday morning.
She didn't eat her hot dog for her Tuesday night meal because she knew real food was waiting a few days later.
Paris did get a visit from her shrink while in the can. Twice.
Remember The Sopranos last week? Criminal masterminds use shrink as practice.
Is this all coming together for you?
Well, if Paris has vengeance on her mind, she probably has a hit list like The Bride from Kill Bill.
She got out of jail twenty days early because she couldn't wait to whup on that ass.
Who's ass, you might ask?:
5. Warner Brothers. They dropped Paris from their record label. Paris will start a torrid file sharing campaign...and supply legal support for the upcoming RIAA lawsuits.
4. Motley Crue. The 'Jail Paris' petition drive will end up with Tommy Lee's dong cut off, battered, fried, and put on a stick like a Nathan's Corn Dog.
3. Madame Tussauds. Wax will burn for the effigy besmirching her sense of fashion.
2. TMZ. Paris coverage 24/7? They'll be working 24/7...after she buys them out, sends them overseas, and turns them into a sneaker sweatshop to destroy Fila Korea for suspending her ad campaign.
1. Sarah Silverman. Silverman capped on Paris during the MTV Movie Awards. Paris was overheard saying she hates Silverman. Paris has millions. Sarah has Jimmy Kimmel. Nuff said.
Who is safe? Niki Hilton, who supported her sister and George Clooney, who has pity for all of the unfair media attention she gets. Clooney, save your pity. After Paris Hilton is through, these guys will need all the pity you can muster!
Hell hath no fury like a Hilton scorned.
Jun 6, 2007
ThunderCats? NOOO!!!!
Before Transformers comes out and flops, Warner Bros is making a live-action ThunderCats Movie.
Is nothing sacred?
This kind of thing has been tried before, and I don't mean the Super Mario Bros Movie. It was something even more horrid: Masters of the Universe.
Masters of the Universe was based on the cartoon, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. As if it wasn't bad enough I had already wasted my allowance on the He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword, theatrical release which was later shown on tv for free. Allowance that could've been spent on comic books. Comic books that appreciate in value and could have paid for my law school tuition! They had to rub salt in the wound and waste even more of my money with Masters of the Universe.
For those who didn't see any of the movies, I can sum the bastardization up with a brief comparison. The He-Man cartoon had a funny imp called Orko:The Masters of the Universe movie had Gwildor: who looks like he contracted some intergalactic venereal disease:
I shudder to think about what they're going to do with Cheetara.
Posted by
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9:19 AM
Labels: he-man, thundercats, transformers
Jun 5, 2007
Akon Update: Give Me The Boy
Life continues to imitate OZ.
The Poughkeepsie Journal reports that Fishkill police, like OZ favorite Vern Schillinger, want someone to "bring them the boy" that Akon Gorilla Slammed at Sunday's WSPK sponsored KFEST.
Unlike Vern, who wanted to be brought boys to bugger, Fishkill cops want to question the kid to get his side of the story.
Apparently, two cops were present during the incident and didn't do anything...probably other than laughing their asses off.
Strangely enough, this occurred regularly in OZ as well. Stuff would happen around guards who weren't paid enough to bother. Hell, the cops at KFEST might've figured that if they did something, they'd have to leave the show and miss Akon's set. For all we know, Akon was the reason they went. And you can't get mad at them for that. It's not everyday you get to see Akon perform, much less slam a kid off a stage.
According to the article, WSPK General Manager Jason Finkelberg thinks people are overreacting to cool cat Akon:
“I don't think he intended malice on this guy. I think it was in the spirit of the show...He had another kid on stage dancing,” Finkelberg said. “He was taking pictures with kids in wheelchairs.”
Whether Akon was responsible for putting the kids in wheelchairs has yet to be determined.
NY Takes On Paris Hilton
Who said New Yorkers don't have caring hearts?
Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York is all about authenticity. In wake of Paris Hiton's imprisonment, it has painted prison stripes on her wax statute. Find more pix here.
Not to be outdone, the NY Daily News notes that we will see a hirsute Paris when she comes out, since where beauty products, including tweezers, brushes, wax, hair spray, dye, and wigs are banned:
"She'll find she'll get pretty hairy," said Hollywood madam Jody (Babydol) Gibson, who served eight weeks in another L.A. County women's jail in 2000.
I strongly disagree. I mean, it's jail and she's rich. She can get anything she wants smuggled in there. Hello, it's a prison?!? Anyone who has watched "OZ", "Prison Break", or "The Sopranos" knows this, so why is the media turning a blind eye to it?
The Wall Street Journal Law Blog offers its help to Paris by quoting New York Divorce attorney Raoul Felder, who suggests that Paris avoid incidents with fellow inmates by keeping to herself, avoid flaunting her wealth (as it would attract dishonest inmates), and start knitting or sewing for her dog Tinkerbell and "create the next doggie-accessory craze."
Lastly, the NY Post encourages readers to download a postcard on their website with Paris' prison address pre-affixed. All you need is a stamp, folks.
Moments like these make me fall in love with New York all over again....
Posted by
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2:31 PM
Labels: current events, paris hilton
Jun 4, 2007
Adebisi Akon
My brother called me last year and was tripping:
"Adebisi is a singer!"For the uninitiated, Simon Adebisi was hands down, the BADDEST dude on tv...EVER. On the HBO series OZ, Adebisi decapitated dudes, turned hetero guys into his personal sex slaves, turned the prison into his personal paradise, and had the nerve to videotape all his exploits.
I knew he meant the ACTOR who portrayed Adebisi, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. And although he was in Mary J. Blige's "Love No Limit", he was too busy being Mr. Eko on "Lost" to have a professional singing career. After talking to my bro for awhile, I found out he confused Adewale for Akon. I can see how one could confuse Akon and Adewale in passing. Anyhoo, after doing a little research, I found out, like everybody else, that Akon had a criminal record, like Adebisi. Like Adebisi, he sold drugs. Little did I know that Akon would "handle" things much like Adebisi would.
He conned a girl on stage in Trinidad with promises of a trip to Africa. What did she get? A dry humping. Akon was conned himself: He thought security didn't let anyone under 18 in the club. She was 14. . Verizon didn't care. They dropped their sponsorship of his tour.
Months later, during a concert in Fishkill, Akon was opening his heart about how hard it was to adjust to living in the U.S. Akon shared his feelings of alienation as an African in America. What did he get in return? Some punk ass kid who threw a piece of plastic square in Akon's face.
Akon's response? He had security bring the kid to him. When the kid was brought on stage, Akon picked the kid up and tossed the kid off the stage with an Ultimate Warrior Gorilla-Press Slam.
You can see it for yourself here.
On OZ, Adebisi's character was killed off, so Adewale could film that great masterpiece "The Mummy Returns". Adebisi's "murderer" on the show, pacifist Kareem Said, claimed to be possessed by the spirit of Adebisi. After engaging in a number of uncharacteristic actions, Said proclaimed:
"Adebisi lives!"
Years after OZ was canceled, I knew Adebisi would resurface. Little did I know it would be in the form of an R&B crooner with cheesy ass songs.
Eh, I'll take whatever Adebisi I can get.
Kareem Said was right:
Posted by
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5:03 PM
Labels: adebisi, akon, current events, oz
Paris Hilton: Eating For Your Benefit
People reports that at last night's MTV Movie Awards, Paris Hilton made a beeline for the buffet table, not pausing to greet fellow guests before sampling everything from mini egg salad sandwiches to caprese salad on toast and carrots.
Paris Hilton should have nothing to feel guilty about. Since Public Service Announcements are all the rage for celebrities nowadays, Paris can turn her public feasting into a positive.
Paris can have a Public Service Announcement of the TOFI variety, to warn about the absolute devastation breaking the law can have on one's perfectly starved figure:
Imagine Paris strutting down a paparazzi lined red a buffet table filled with various fatty food items. She gorges herself while the paparazzi takes loads of shots. Fellow celebrities fail to contain their unmitigated horror: "For the love of all that's thin and holy, someone stop her!". But their cries are drowned out by Paris Hilton's frenzied feasting. After devouring everything in sight, including her pet poodle, she wails: "I USED TA BE SOMEBODY!"
And she'd have the mugshots to prove it:
F*** The Police!
Stewart Copeland, drummer of The Police, recently ripped into his band for sucking it hard during their reunion tour:
"This is unbelievably lame" he wrote of their recent performance in Vancouver, which was rife with tripping, miscues, and other synchronishitties.
Surprisingly, that's not what's really lame.
According to the NY Post, fifth row seats at their gig at MSG August 1st are going for $11,500 a ticket.
You can blame that on resellers, but that's not the lamest thing about The Police's tour.
Wheelchair bound fans can't get tickets for the Edmonton show online from Ticketmaster.
Maybe Ticketmaster is doing a humane thing: Creating obstacles to prevent the handicapped from attending a sucky, expensive show and feeling jipped.
That's what I thought until I found out that Ticketmaster has special seats for folks in wheelchairs available by phone...for an extra $130.
Either way, as much as Stewart Copeland thinks his band sucks live, he won't be refunding anyone's tickets.
Let the buyer beware!
Posted by
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9:35 AM
Labels: current events, the police
Sexologist Quells Teletubby Attack
UPDATE: Tinky Winky is free to be himself in Poland!
Decades of Anti-Polish sentiment can now come to an end.
The Polish Government is backing away from its previous paranoid, homophobic attack on the Teletubbies. The reversal, according to Variety, is a result of a consultation with a sexologist.
And you thought sexology was a pointless pseudo science, filled with people talking about dongs all day long. Shame on you!
With the closing of this debacle and news that Paris Hilton is reading Zen Buddhist book "The Power of Now", the hunt for Jerry Falwell's replacement seems to be at a standstill.
Posted by
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9:16 AM
Labels: current events, homophobia, paris hilton, teletubbies
Jun 2, 2007
Melinda Doolittle Performs
It's a slow Saturday, whick is why you have no excuse not to follow the link and check out Melinda Doolittle's June 1st appearance on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, as she performs "Home" from The Wiz.
Melinda would make a great Dorothy with Sanjaya revisiting Michael Jackson's Scarecrow performance, Randy as the Cowardly Lion, Simon as the Tin Man and Paula as a flying monkey. And who would be The Wiz? Clive Davis, of course!
Posted by
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11:29 AM
Labels: american idol, melinda doolittle, paula abdul, sanjaya, simon cowell
Jun 1, 2007
Lindsay Lohan and Isaiah Washington: One To Grow On
Say what you will about Isaiah Washington. But that brotha sure can act! Look at his conviction in the Public Service Announcement about the power of words. I wonder what word he could possibly be talking about? It's here.
Lindsay Lohan, on the other hand, can't keep from busting out laughing.
How in the world can she expect to be taken seriously as an Oscar contender if she can't do a PSA without laughing, fer Pete's sake?
You know who gets lost in this mess? Mr. T. He had a music video about treating your momma right. He sings, teaches, and grooves to the music WITHOUT CRACKING A SMILE.
A pessimist would argue that's because Mr. T is a better actor than Lindsay Lohan. Although Mr. T has more acting ability in his discarded Mohawk shavings than Lindsay Lohan, that isn't the point.
The point is, Mr. T BELIEVED in what he was saying, so there was no need for him to exercise any of his acting acumen. But don't cry for Mr. T. He ain't no fool to be pitied.
Posted by
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1:54 PM
Labels: current events, Isaiah Washington, lindsay lohan, mr. t
May 31, 2007
Rosie's View Replacement Has Massive Consequences
Rosie O'Donnell tried to exercise restraint before her tiff with Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View “(b)ecause here’s how it gets spun in the media: ‘Rosie, big fat lesbian loud Rosie, attacks innocent pure Christian Elisabeth,’ ”
Their tussle gave us insight into a war that many did not know was occurring. This is a war not about gay vs straight, Christian vs heathen, or loudness vs purity.
This is a war about fat people vs thin people.
Rosie O'Donnell's replacement will have huge ramifications on the war's outcome. Rosie's seat was previously held by Star Jones, who was given the boot after she lost weight. I know "the official story": Star was dropped for using the show to pimp product placement for her wedding. But that's not the point, especially if a rejected, skinny View wannabe pulls a Cameron Diaz and asks "Does Rosie's spot have a size requirement? Can't a skinny girl get some cake or cheddar too?"
And there's value in that question.Just because a skinny girl doesn't eat, doesn't mean she doesn't need bread. Angelina Jolie needs dough, and laxatives, and a photo touch up, to look heroin chic without using heroin, according to Dr. Jeffrey Bronstein's analysis in the NY Post. She sure as hell doesn't use ex-lax, because she's too rich to go out like that.
If Rosie's replacement is Roseanne Barr, it could add more weight to the divide. And it would be a shame, because America is filled with people who are fat, skinny, and all sizes in between. Kathy Griffin, who is loud and obnoxious could be a bridge builder on The View. And we'd get around the fat vs thin ruckus, because we'd have someone right in the middle. The View would show that there isn't, nor should there be, an official dress size for America.
And this is a message that needs to get across.
Unfortunately, Captain America dead, so we have no American idol to...
...wait a minute...
Did I write American Idol?
We got one!
Jordin Sparks, a former plus size model, can be the one who makes a difference since she likes her curves:
"I'm really comfortable in my own skin," Jordin says with her signature wide smile. "I learned that I'm not ever going to be a size 2. I would look so weird as a size 2. Somebody would blow and I would fall right over. It just wouldn't be healthy."
Jordin Sparks can bring fat people and skinny people together. She's not fat, she's Amazonian. So, you see, American Idol strikes again!
The Producers handpicked Jordin because they knew war was on the horizon. They're British, after all, and saw the backlash against skinnies like Keira Knightley, Kate Moss, and Shilpa Shetty in their own country. It was only a matter of time before it hit the United States. Melinda had pipes, and was definitely not TOFI (thin outside fat inside), but she's not a plus size model.
And that's another reason why Melinda Doolittle was jerked.
Where do you weigh in? And what about Nicole Richie's 100 lb weight requirement for her Memorial Day Party? How about the NY Post news story that fat people are more likely to die from using Ecstasy? And the European Union's attack on obesity?
Posted by
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10:21 AM
Labels: american idol, captain america, jordin sparks, Keira Knightley, melinda doolittle, rosie o'donnell, shilpa shetty, the view
May 30, 2007
Jordin Sparks' Official Bio Was FALSIFIED!
Last Thursday, numerous strands pointing to an American Idol conspiracy were pieced together on this very site. Jordin Sparks' victory and the surprise canning of favorite Melinda Doolittle was alleged to be the work of careful planning in an attempt to maximize ratings. Whether or not you believe the conspiracy is moot: Jordin Sparks is the American Idol. She has a great voice and would never lie to win the competition.
That's what we thought...
...until this morning!
MSNBC reports that Jordin Sparks had a vocal coach. What's the big deal?
That may come as a surprise to Sparks’ fans because on her official bio on the “Idol” Web site, when asked if she ever had formal training, Sparks answered, “No.”
Melissa Black, who was Jordin's coach for nine months, felt 'hurt' by not being acknowledged and having her work ignored.
People believed that Jordin was this vocal ingenue as opposed to the wily veteran Melissa Doolittle. This belief was furthered by the "I'm only 17" mantra that Jordin, the judges, and even Ryan Seacrest recited.
This affected voting.
Would Melissa Black, removed from American Idol history to further a secretly held conspiracy, burn with hatred as an unwitting pawn to Jordin Sparks' orchestrated march to victory?
“I’ve moved on, and I hold my head up high.”
If only I could move on.
But when I remember the golden voice of Melinda Doolittle, and remember the odds she's overcome, only to have victory taken away from her because of some producer's notion that an American Idol should have a prominent neck, I just can't. I just can't...
What do think of the "oversight"? Who do you identify with: Melinda, Jordin, or Melissa?
Posted by
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11:26 AM
Labels: american idol, conspiracies, jordin sparks, melinda doolittle
May 29, 2007
Post American Idol Viewing Options
With American Idol wrapped up, viewers are scrambling for something to watch.
Two suggestions that have popped up are also signs of the apocalypse:
- Cheddar cheese aging in real-time on
- Three contestants fight over a kidney on The Big Donor Show, a new reality television program.
C'mon. You know you want to...
It's no Sanjaya, but more entertaining than Barry Gibb or Gwen Stefani's performance with Akon. Speaking of Akon, how do you think show producers would have reacted if he pulled the stunt he did in Trinidad with the 15 year old, live on Fox? Melinda Doolittle would've had a heart attack.
As far as the The Big Donor Show is concerned, we have your friends at the AP:
During the show, Lisa (the kidney donor) will hear interviews with the three candidates, their families and friends before choosing who will get her kidney. Viewers will be able to vote for a candidate via SMS text message, but the final determination will be Lisa's.
The shocking plot twist?
There's no guarantee the winner will actually receive the organ, because there is no tissue compatibility screening prior to the contestant selection.
But wait, there's more!
The organ donor has cancer and it's possible that her organs might spread the cancer.With a 'prize' like that, it makes you wonder what the runners up get.
Before we start the "man folks outside of the U.S. are backwards" bandwagon, let's look at our own reality history.
If a show which encourages young wimmenz to make out with Flavor Flav is legal in the U.S., should we be surprised that The Big Donor Show produced by Endemol NV, which created Big Brother and Fear Factor, is legal in another country?
According to Reuters, BNN the network airing the show on Dutch TV, has broadcast other reality TV shows, including one called "Shooting and Swallowing" illustrating the impact of drug use, and another show on sex called "This is How You Screw".
One question from this despicable attempt at ratings must be answered:
Why isn't BNN offered by my cable carrier?
Posted by
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11:17 PM
Labels: akon, american idol, current events, melinda doolittle, reality television, sanjaya
UPDATE: Rosie O'Donnell Outrage
An update to the Rosie O'Donnell story:
There's a petition to get Elisabeth Hasselbeck fired from The View. You can find it here.
Where's Janette Barber's Legal Defense Fund for her political graffiti?
People need to get their priorities straight!
Posted by
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1:38 PM
Labels: current events, rosie o'donnell
Tinky Winky: Eternal Scapegoat
Reuters reports that Poland's conservative government picked up the Jerry Falwell baton in an attempt to curb what it sees as homosexual propaganda via Tinky Winky and the Teletubbies.
For those who forgot, Falwell issued an alert in 1999 over Tinky Winky's homosexual ways. In particular, his color (purple) and triangle shaped antenna. Both features, Falwell believed, were homosexual codes transmitted to impressionable Christian children.
I always thought the antenna was a silent protest against the Pro-Life movement, since it looks like an upside down coat-hanger.
Falwell's color hysteria made sense, since he was a segregationist. Poland, on the other hand, is more progressive. They just care about Tinky Winky's purse:
"At first I thought the purse would be a burden for this Teletubby ... Later I learned that this may have a homosexual undertone."
The article notes that Polish Education Minister Roman Giertych has proposed laws sacking teachers who promote "homosexual lifestyle" and banning "homo-agitation".
What is 'homo-agitation'? If anything, I thought the Teletubbies were homo-relaxation.
And what's the big deal with a purse?
Felix the Cat had one, and no one called him gay.Is it because of reverse racism?
Turns out that Ewa Sowinska, Poland's government-appointed children rights watchdog, is seeking psychological assistance, not for her paranoia, but in helping to save the minds of young children.
This isn't the first time a shrink was called to protect kids from evil. In 1954, Dr. Frederic Wertham made a quick buck by suggesting that comic books were responsible for juvenile delinquency. His book Seduction of the Innocent postulated that Batman and Robin was a homosexual fantasy.

Posted by
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10:46 AM
Labels: comic books, current events, homophobia
May 28, 2007
Lindsay Lohan Is Turning Into Gollum
Lindsay Lohan, originator of the pantyless car exit, crashed her Mercedes in to a tree after a night of hard partying early Saturday morning and fled the scene. She was booked Saturday night on suspicion of driving under the influence (D.U.I.) Saturday night. What do investigators think she was influenced by? Cocaine found in her vehicle.
Contrary to popular speculation, her crazed behavior has nothing to do with Paris envy, bad parenting, or cocaine abuse. Lindsay Lohan is suffering from something far greater.
Take a look at her expression:Does it look familiar? It should...
Lindsay Lohan's ridiculous behavior can be attributed to the fact that she's fiending for the Oscar, much like Gollum was fiending for the One Ring in Lord of the Rings.
And that fiending threatens her body, mind, and soul.
An article recently observed that you get "to be an Oscar-nominated actor" with "a little torture to the soul. It evidently worked for Joaquin Phoenix."
After a studio head went public with his frustration over Lindsay Lohan's partying ways during the filming of Georgia Rule, she probably freaked out when a reviewer compared it to Gigli, which effectively ended Ben Affleck's career and J.Lo hasn't fully recovered from:
Primarily, though, it's because Lohan's well-documented off-camera antics are such a distraction, as Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's were, it's impossible to become engrossed in the film.
Lohan, confused by the negative press, probably took the assessment of Phoenix's Oscar fuel to heart: "Joaquin has great internal conflict on screen. He radiates torture, which is great, because what you want from actors is danger".
And who is stopping her?
Her Daddy Dearest wants her and her mother in rehab. Unless they can treat Oscar Fever, it would be pointless. She was already in rehab and it didn't work.
If someone helped Smeagol, he would have never turned into Gollum.
Someone needs to help Lindsay before she completes her turn.
Posted by
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10:32 AM
Labels: bad parenting, gollum, lindsay lohan, lord of the rings