Jun 26, 2007

Moving Day

Dear Desissified readers, this is my last post here as I'm up and leaving for my brand spanking new site refriedscreens.com. It's easier to remember (rhymes with refried beans) and spell than desissified.blogspot.com and there isn't as much typing for you, so the new url will stave off carpal tunnel for a good year or two! See how much I care about you guys?

Since I mash up pop culture and give it some flavor, I think the title fits. Originally, desissified was going to be about the sissifying effect cease and desist letters have on folks. Oh, the ignorance of youth...

There's a link to refriedscreens.com here. The first story makes a plea for Jeff Bridges AKA "The Dude" from The Big Lebowski to get an Oscar for his upcoming performance as the big bad in the upcoming Iron Man movie.

What's that you said? 'I didn't see it, so how could I know it'll be Oscar worthy?'

Check out my Top 5 List of How Un-Dude the character he's playing is, and you'll not only like the kool aid I'm drinking, you'll ask for the recipe!

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