Jun 10, 2007

Reasons For The Horrid Sopranos Finale

Like many suspected, the Sopranos ended in the most unsatisfying manner experienced since St. Elsewhere was revealed to be the product of an autistic kid's imagination.

There are a few theories about the reasons for the B.S. ending:

  1. Sopranos creator David Chase wanted to end the series a season ago. HBO didn't want him to. He relented, and this is his revenge;
  2. David Chase wanted to end the series a season ago for a good reason: he ran out of gas...and could only muster the huge fart that was the series finale;
  3. David Chase didn't want any sequels, so he created a craptastic ending in order to kill whatever desire Sopranos fans had left in the series;
  4. Tony was whacked...he just didn't know it. This theory can be credited by poster moodyblue who wrote in a Courier-Post forum: Tony IS DEAD and WAS CLIPPED by someone. We the audience have always seen the episodes from Tony's point of view, and the blackened silence is what Tony sees and hears when he finally gets clipped. Remember the conversation with Bobby at the lake? "I wonder if you hear the one that gets you" - the final episode answers that question. That is why they flashed back to it at the end of last weeks episode. He never heard the one that killed him.
moodyblue has a point, but my money's on a combo of 1,2, and 3 (find the update, with new theories here).

What do you think?

UPDATE: Check out other entries on this topic including more theories the morning after and how Sopranos creator David Chase fled the country in fear of viewer outrage. Also create your own Sopranos ending here.


Wayne Nix said...

Maybe Tony really died in the car crash with Christopher. I noticed that the editing changed around that time. Like there were jump cuts and dream sequences...like when he talked to Melfi the first time and admitted that he killed Chistopher...was that real? Because then he wakes up and has another visit, or does he? Which one was the real one?

RealDeal said...

You may not hear the one that gets you but you certainly see it, as Bobby did before he took one to the face.

ToDo: Cancel HBO.

Display Name said...

I feel your pain, realdeal. And maxwell, I thought about your point, and the morning after, I have a different view...check it out on the main page:


Miguel MD said...

Working hard to get my fill,
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin anything to roll the dice,
Just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on


Don't stop believing
Hold on to the feeling
Streetlight people

Perfect song for the ending, who ever suggested that one i hope got a big fat cheque.
That whole verse especially the last 2 lines says it all...think about it...draw your own conclusions and stop it with the i wanted to know what happened. You do know, think about it it's in the last 2 episodes. As for me i can't hate on a show i have enjoyed from day one because i would have ended it differently. All you sell out canceling HBO and crying because it didn't end how you would have done it...forget about it...what can you do huh?

I will continue to enjoy the show, and talk about what i like most, not rag on it because it ended artistically.

Thank you Mr. Chase it has been quite the journey.

Unknown said...

I think there were many clues to Tony being killed. I don't feel like writing it up again, but here is a link to a post I did with all my thoughts:


Display Name said...

Miguel- as soon as I heard the song start up, I thought "Here we go again! Another played out song".

Chase popularized the music video approach to storytelling and it's played out. Every show from The Shield to LOST does it. And as a writing crutch/device, it needs to end since it's cheap, lazy and annoying.

Point is, nobody should rely on Journey to tell a story and finish a MAFIA show! Why didn't he use a good ol' Italian song? He sold out! Revoke his goomba card NOW!

Display Name said...

Peter, that's tight. The only problem is I believe you put more time, thought, and intelligence deconstructing the finale than Chase did in assembling it! If you asked him what he was trying to convey, he'll probably jack your blog and say "Uhh, I was trying to say...all the stuff Peter wrote...with a touch of Journey. Yeah, that's the ticket!"

Dj said...

Miguels post is the best one i have read thus far. With all the different ideas people have to end a series like this one, it is near impossible to make an ending that pleases everyone.

Display Name said...

DJ, I'll take you up on your challenge to create an ending that would've pleased everybody:

At the diner, AJ complains about the onion rings. Tony responds by beating him to a bloody pulp with a Heinz 57 ketchup bottle (product placement!). The guy who goes to the bathroom to pull a "Godfather" on Tony, can't find the gun he hid in the toilet stall. Who has it? Furio, who caught a late flight from Italy to bust multiple caps in his ass. Paulie and Silvio, fresh from the hospital, wipes out the rest of the folks in the diner, with the help of the boyscouts. Tony goes home, hooks up with Dr. Melfi, and bones AJ's high school girlfriend as Sid Vicious' version of "MY WAY" leads us to the credits.

THE END...and everyone's happy.

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