Apr 17, 2007

Anatomically Correct?

Last year, Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington went on a rampage and fought co-star McDreamy on set:

At one point, Isaiah yelled, "I'm not your little faggot like (name deleted)," according to the source. Those who heard him were stunned.

At the Golden Globes, Washington denied using the slur by repeating the slur. He went to rehab for sexual orientation issues and got an NAACP Image award.

The "name deleted" castmate Washington was referring to turned out to be T.R. Knight, who eventually came out. This weekend, Knight was rewarded by the show's producers for working with a virulent homophobe, by picking up the GLAAD award on behalf of the show.

So, Washington slurs Knight and gets an award from the NAACP.
Knight received the slur and picks up the GLAAD award.

Ann Coulter calls Presidential hopeful John Edwards a f*ggot and what does she get?:

A bloated J.J. Evans AKA Kid Dy-no-mite.

What would Michael Evans say?

(insert your own caption in the comments section)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I get a slice of that too, Kid Dyn-o-mite?

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