After Alec Baldwin went off on his daughter and called her a "thoughtless little pig", a lot of people didn't realize how insulting the remark was not just to his daughter, but pigs as well.
Pigs are one of the smartest animals on the planet. And, according to the PBS Nature program "The Joy of Pigs" they're actually more complex than most people think:
"To pig farmers, the animal is a commodity. To truffle harvesters, pigs are reliable hunters whose keen sense of smell locates these pricey fungi. To scientists, pigs are unique as one of the only large mammals that exists, in one form or another, in every part of the world. "
It is the Year of the Golden Pig and Chinese Astrologists believe that's a good thing:It is said that children born under this sign will live in comfort as wealth and luck are always near. The Fire Pig is known to have traits of wealth, prosperity, luck and fertility
As a result, there is a baby boom in China. People are flocking to have little pigs of their own, unlike Alec Baldwin, who is unhappy with his.
In addition, the Year of the Golden Pig, which comes once every sixty years, should yield financial prosperity and marital bliss.
It's not just the Chinese who like pigs. Pigs have been celebrated in our culture, from Charlotte's Web to Piglet to Babe.
However, some pigs have a dark side to them:
"They're as curious as they are clever, and can be destructive as they explore", says Brenda Coe, adjunct assistant professor of animal science. "And they need a lot of space. Market hogs are sold at around 250 pounds for slaughter, but can reach 600 to 700 pounds. Though many people are happy owners of potbelly pigs, she adds, these much-smaller animals can sometimes be aggressive."
One wonders what an analysis of Alec Baldwin would yield.
What is your assessment of Alec Baldwin vs the noble pig?
Apr 24, 2007
In Defense of Little Pigs
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3:52 PM
Labels: alec baldwin, celebrities, chinese astrology, kim basinger, pigs, year of the golden pig
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I'm surprised that people are complacent towards children to the point that Baldwin was considered out of line. Whomever released that to the media and exposed his daughter like that should be ashamed. (Kim, we're looking at you.)
The "I'm sorry for projecting" apology on the news was laughable. I'm more concerned that Baldwin's desire to maintain his public image will interfere with his ability to discipline his child.
God forbid a father scolds his child in a private message.
Can you imagine if he spanked her in public?
Divorce proceedings between the "little pig" and the "big dad wolf" in 5...
He did say he was going to "straighten her out" when he got home. Who knows how they dish out punishment in the Baldwin household. Somebody call child protective services already!
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