Last week, I got all preachy about Alec Baldwin calling his daughter a "thoughtless little pig". After reading Kiros' comment, I took a long, soulful look back to my youth.
At 11 or 12, whatever the age is, as Mr. Baldwin put it, you do some pretty thick headed things. I sure as hell did when I was that age and got called names much worse than "thoughtless little pig" in addition to getting whipped.
Before you get all ridiculous, realize that although Alec Baldwin lost his cool, he isn't that bad when you put things in context.
How bad, you ask?
Here's a list of Celebrity Parental Behavior more notorious than Alec Baldwin's:
Gary Coleman's parents pimped him out and took his money.
Joan Crawford beat her kid with wire hangers.
Britney Spears' car seat fiasco and pantyless antics. However, Britney didn't learn her bad parenting through Paris Hilton. She was influenced by the original 'clubbing while kids are home' kingpin.

Darth Vader chopped off the hand of his son, Luke Skywalker.
Aerosmith's Steven Tyler getting "custody":
The 27 year front mans eye was caught by a 14 year old girl named Diana Hall. The pair fell in love and Tyler moved her into her Boston apartment so that they could be together- but only after Halls parents signed her over to Tyler as her guardian.
And the worst?
In the American Idol prelim round, Momjaya brazenly stating on national television that her daughter is better than Sanjaya. Clearly he is superior performer.
He is, after all, Sanjaya.
So what possibly did she mean? That he doesn't smoke enough weed? Another note for the weed watch:

Were we too harsh on Alec Baldwin? What bad celebrity parenting did we miss?
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